Why is Sprouting Good?
- Sprouting unlocks the nutrients inside a Seed – Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants.
- Sprouting makes food easier to digest and absorb. Does not irritate the Gut.
- Sprouts are healthy Whole Foods. Full of phytochemicals to keep the body alkaline and help gently detox the body.
How do I eat sprouts?
- Topping on Soups
- Salads
- Incorporate in Stir Fry
- Sandwiches
- Sprouts can add texture (crunch!) and spice (try Radish Sprouts!) to your meals.
Is it Safe to Sprout?
- Salmonella and e.coli can contaminate sprouts in Grocery stores.
- In commercial kitchens, it is hard to keep everything clean and free of bacteria due to the large scale.
- However, at home it is safe because you can control many variables
- Cleanliness of equipment
- Quality of seeds (get them from a reputable source)
- Air flow
- Rinsing
- I have been sprouting for years without any problems with bacteria.
What kind of seeds do I sprout?
Mung Beans
Adzuki Beans
Radish Seeds
Pea Shoots
(I get my seeds locally from West Coast Seeds)
How do I sprout?
- Soak Seeds (4 to 8 hours depending on the seeds)
- Drain and Rinse the Seeds
- Make sure it is well drained, put on a sprouting lid (perforated lid) , and rest it at a 45 degree angle in a bowl.
- Set it in a dark place, that has good airflow (ie not in a dark cabinet)
- Rinse 2 to 3 times a day.
- Rinse/ Dry/ Store in Fridge
Some Tips:
- Why do they look Moldy?
- When you first start to sprout, you may see tiny hairs on the roots. It appears to be mold, but most of the time it’s just the root hairs.
- How long can I keep them?
- I usually try to consume the sprouts in 1 to 3 days.
- If sprouts happen to go bad, you can usually tell by smelling it.
Try this with your kids! Enjoy!
In health,
Dr. Jeffrey Lee
Naturopathic Physician & Registered Acupuncturist
Check out my Stress Youtube Series here.