For many of us, summer continues to be a busy time of “things to do” and although this to-do list may involve activities in the sun, they can build up stress and deplete our energy reserves just the same.

What about a holiday?

Where to go? How do we get there? How much time do we have? What’s our budget? What will I wear?! Will we have time to relax? If you’re like me, just planning a holiday can be stressful. Even if we go on holiday, we often return drained. So how do we reduce stress and build up our energy reserves? While we’re at home and on vacation?

Meditation and acupuncture are good options for switching the body to that relaxed (parasympathetic) state where our repair-and-recover systems kick-in. But enjoying coffee or dark chocolate are also great options for, what I like to call, soul-nourishing moments.

Steps for a Soul-Nourishing Moment with Coffee:

1. Pour hot coffee into your favourite mug and sit in a peaceful spot in your home – by the bay window, on the patio, etc.

2. Hold your warm mug with both hands and take a deep breath into your belly taking in the roasted aroma.

3. After some slow sips of coffee, lower the mug, let out a sigh or ‘aaah’ and notice the warmth of the coffee as it moves down your throat and to your belly. You may close your eyes or allow them to soften their focus.

In 10 seconds (and only two sips of coffee), stress hormone production decreases. This, in turn, improves stress tolerance, mood, energy, sleep, sex hormone balance, blood glucose levels and blood pressure.

Of course, this doesn’t have to be done with coffee. Bringing your focus to observing your body in the present moment makes a daily habit into a soul-nourishing moment. For your adrenal glands (stress tolerance organs) and nervous system, a soul-nourishing moment is like a rejuvenating trip to the spa.

If you’ve been ‘running on fumes’ or experiencing major stress recently, you’re adrenal glands and nervous system have been working on overdrive. Replenishing essential nutrients with adrenal support or B vitamin injections also help to improve stress tolerance and energy.

If you are traveling this summer, include soul-nourishing moments into your daily plans. I think you’ll find those moments will be the best memories of your vacation.

Whether you’re vacationing in Bora Bora or at home this summer, take advantage of daily soul-nourishing moments to reduce stress, optimize health and enjoy summer.


Dr.Carin Matsushita, ND, RAc.

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