New Beginnings at Brio Health

Welcome to Brio Health!

Whether you are a new patient or one that has been with us for 15 years, thank you for being a part of the family!

As I reflect back on the past 15 years, they have been the best years of my life. I have learned so much and have matured as a physician as a result of working with so many of you. I feel so fortunate to have had such a thriving practice, where I have fun every day and share my clinical experience with all my patients. <

So Why the Change? 

It’s hard to put into words, but I have felt a calling to change the trajectory of my practice for some time now.  It was more than a gut feeling.  I feel God is guiding me to something new and different. (If I’m honest, the clarity is not there yet, but I trust that I’m heading towards something impactful).

Over the next few blogs, I’ll share in greater detail about my journey and the vision of the new Brio Health.  In the meantime, below is an update of some of the more notable changes.

What Has Changed?  

  1. New Location:  Brio Health is located inside the Richmond Laser Skin & Wellness Centre (#2168 – 3779 Sexsmith Rd, Richmond).  This beautiful clinic is located on the ground floor, facing Cambie Road.  The contact information remains the same as before.  Phone: 604-271-9355.  Email: [email protected]
  2. New Logo:  I have rebranded the name from Brio Integrative Health Centre to simply “Brio Health.”  My new vision is to move beyond the walls of a multidisciplinary practice to helping people transform their health through a variety of new & creative digital means.   
  3. New Website:  The new website captures the direction of the new Brio Health.  The goal is to guide and inspire patients to be their own health advocates.  Blogs, videos, handouts and mini courses will be used to help anyone who wants to transform their health.  
  4. New Booking System:  The convenience of online booking will be available through the JaneApp software.  This is another way that patients can take ownership of their health care. 

What is Expected in the Future? 

Brio Integrative Health was successful because we put our patients first.  We understood that achieving optimal health is a process that takes time.  We came alongside each one of our patients in their own unique health journey.

Brio Health will continue this legacy, but the emphasis will be to further empower you to take your health to a whole new level.  We want to move you from just being symptom-free, to being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy. And in doing so, we want you to inspire the people around you to be more healthy too!

How Do I Stay Connected? 

Stay connected with our newsletter, as we begin to launch some free courses to help you build your health from the inside out. Be sure to share this information with your family and friends!

Thank you,

Dr. Jeffrey Lee, ND, R.Ac.

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