Here are some easy home remedies to keep a tummy happy and healthy during the holiday season:
1.       Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – a distressed stomach’s best friend.  One to two teaspoons in 1/2 a glass of water 15 minutes prior to meals.  ACV will aid in digestion, decrease gastric reflux, decrease bloating and abdominal pain.  Use as needed
2.       Try to avoid Antacids – we have been programmed to think that symptoms of acid reflux is a result of too much stomach acid production, however, in our clinical observation, the problem is usually too little stomach acid production.  Stomach acid production can decrease when the body is stressed.  Overeating can absolutely be a stressor to the body.  Again, ACV will normalize stomach acid levels.
3.       Peppermint Tea – Peppermint (Mentha piperita) can calm a distressed tummy almost immediately.  This can rid the body of symptoms of dyspepsia.  If peppermint tea does not quite do the trick, Peppermint Oil Capsules are an excellent supplement as needed.
4.       Fennel Seeds (Foeniculum vulgare) – Have you ever noticed at the end of a delicious Greek meal, you will often get a tiny bowl of fennel seed candy?  This is not a random offering as fennel can ease abdominal pain, gas and bloating almost immediately.  Simply chew on a small amount and swallow.  The seeds can also be boiled in water to drink as a tea.
5.       Try to avoid beverages with meals – Have you also noticed at most Asian restaurants you will not receive ice water with your meal unless it is requested?  You will however, receive small cups of warm tea.  Small amounts of warm tea aid digestion.  Ice cold drinks place stress on the digestive system, dilute digestive enzymes and stomach acid levels.  For optimal digestion, try to limit beverages to half an hour before or after meals.  If you have a dog at home, watch how he/she has meals.  Foods and liquids are always separate.  This principle follows the laws of nature. 
Wishing you all a very Happy Holiday Season, from Brio Integrative Health Centre!

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