Penny Allport is a Creative Explorer with a passion for all that is possible in the living inquiry of what it means to be an embodied human. For two decades she has facilitated individuals and groups through explorations in Yoga, Continuum Movement, Perceptual Inquiry, Creative Expression, Storytelling, Dream Inquiry and process oriented writing and painting. The imagination of the natural world continually inspires and informs her offerings.

Join Penny Allport for a dynamic, experiential and creative inquiry into "Living in the Heart of Tranformation."

All movement and expression are relational processes. Our attitude/ posture determines the potential of our capacity to meet, relate and respond in any given circumstance. Our hearts open and close like bird wings in the dance of relationship with all of life.

How can we encourage the hearts natural capacity to flourish in resonance and relatedness at this transformative time on the planet? How can we contribute to the cultural and global transformation of the heart?

Through daily practices of awareness and principles of embodiment, creative process in journal writing, ceremony and shared experience we deepen our capacity to meet the future, which is flowing into the present. This is an invitation to sit, move, breathe and live on the edge of our own becoming as individuals, collectives and global villagers in this potent time of evolutionary change.

February – June 2011

A 5 Month Journey

Alternating Tuesday Evenings

7-9:30 pm

(1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month)

Begins Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pioneer Church

#3 Road and Steveston Highways, Richmond, BC

10 sessions-$525.00 (Price includes journal. Please add HST.)

Non-refundable deposit of $100.00 to hold your space.


To Register or for further information please contact:

Penny Allport at 604-803-4607

email: [email protected]


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