Are you looking to learn the importance of meal planning?
Are you struggling with making healthy choices?
Are you confused about what foods are good and bad?
Healthy Living 101 is a program designed to dispel confusing information regarding health, well-being, and diet related myths. The goal of the program is to feel empowered about dietary choice for the health of you and your family. Whether the program is taken for prevention or to actively treat a health condition, the principles are the same for all. Healthy Living 101 follows the Brio Living philosophy of how the body heals. It is designed to teach patients how to create a healthy body by eating whole foods and implementing your new knowledge about nutrition. There are no gimmicks, magic pills, or formulas. A healthy body will shed unwanted weight, correct inflammation and unleash energy like never before.
Start the New Year by participating in our 12 week program starting Monday January 18. Join Kyra and Dr.Neetu to learn more about the workshop on Wednesday January 13 at 6:30 pm. Click HERE to reserve a seat for our free session.
Here is a graduate of Healthy Living 101 describing his experience of the program.