Healing seasonal allergies.
If you are among those that suffer the symptoms such as itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing and congestion you know all about it. The good news is relief is possible. We are sharing our favourite strategies for preventing and treating seasonal allergy symptoms!
As excited as we all are to finish the winter season and celebrate sunshine and spring. This can be a troublesome season for some allergy sufferers. There are a growing number of seasonal allergy sufferers who are affected by the flower pollens, trees, grass, mold and other airborne particles. The allergy season can be isolated to the Spring season for some, and others it could be all year round.
Symptoms of allergic rhinitis, or hay fever as it is commonly known, can range from mild, to quite severe, affecting ability to drive, energy levels, and work productivity.
Symptoms of seasonal allergies include:
- itchy/watery eyes,
- itchy throat,
- sneezing,
- cough,
- headaches,
- foggy thinking,
- fatigue,
- post nasal drip, and
- sinus congestion.
Impaired immune system is the root cause
It is generally an impaired immune system that is at the root cause of these symptoms. The role of our immune system is to protect us from foreign invaders, it is always prepared to attack and protect the body, for example a fever is an appropriate immune response to a foreign invader. However, a person suffering from hay fever, will have an inappropriate immune response where the immune system has become over-reactive to pollens, grasses, trees etc.
The immune response in hay fever is to release a host of inflammatory chemicals, such as histamine, which will bring on the common symptoms of sneezing, itchy eyes etc. In the early stages of my practice, I thought that hay fever was quite simple to treat. However, as the years went by, I realized this can be simple and straight forward to treat in some cases, however, in others it can be a complicated issue. The patient is essentially allergic to the earth!
Antihistamines are the medications used block histamine receptors in the cell in order to dampen symptoms of hay fever. They can provide temporary relief and are quite effective in some cases; however they are usually covering up the symptoms felt on the outside, while the reaction on the inside is still occurring. Antihistamines can be necessary as we correct what is actually going on in the body.
Decongest the Liver
Decongest the Liver: The liver is the power house of the body, it sorts and processes all the chemicals, and toxins that enter the body. If hay fever is a new symptom that has gradually gotten worse over the past several years, where there was no issue before. It could be as simple as treating the liver. The juice of half of a fresh lemon and one tsp of unpasteurized honey in hot water, first thing in the morning is a great way to jump start the liver, 10 minutes prior to breakfast. Especially if this routine is strictly enforced a month prior to hay fever season. Herbal tinctures including: Milk Thistle and Dandelion are also excellent to stimulate the liver.
Strengthen Your Immune System
Strengthen The Immune System: There could be underlying food sensitivities to gluten containing grains. During the allergy season a gluten-free or wheat free diet could be extremely beneficial. Eliminating cereals, bagels, bread, and pasta’s will dampen the inflammatory reaction. An excess consumption of refined white sugar can also weaken the immune system. White sugar can be found in candy, pastries, cookies, cakes, caffeinated beverages, to name a few. Eliminate or reduce these trigger foods and replace with natural sweeteners such as honey and maple syrup.
Adrenal gland dysfunction is commonly associated with seasonal allergies. This is a deeper issue to address under the care of your health care provider.
A history of repeated antibiotic use can contribute to a weak immune system. One side effect of antibiotics can result in chronic candida. Candida albicans in the digestive tract can contribute inflammation resulting in hay fever. Healing the digestive system and probiotics may be essential to healing eliminating the occurrence of hay fever.
An imbalance of the TJM can result in seasonal allergies
Temporomandibular Joint: This is the joint of the Jaw and is commonly referred to as TMJ. Strangely enough, an imbalance in the TMJ can contribute to hay fever. A history of repeated dental work, grinding teeth, an accident, a click in the jaw, can all contribute to TJM imbalance. An imbalance of the TJM can result in seasonal allergies. I often treat TMJ imbalance with the bodywork to correct the jaw and prevent allergy symptoms.
Seasonal allergies can take work to correct, however, once corrected spring, summer and fall seasons can be spent outdoors with family, outdoor gardening can be performed symptom free, sick days from work are reduced, alertness and mental acuity can also be restored. It is not something you have to live with; all allergy symptoms can disappear with changes to lifestyle and mental state.
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